Stan Beardy is from Muskrat Dam First Nation located in remote Northern Ontario, where he has learned to hunt, fish, and live & work in the ways of Oji-Cree ancestors. He has been a life-long leader, and strong advocate for First Nation rights at the local, regional, and national levels. Stan has served as Chief of Muskrat Dam for a total of 15 years, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Grand Chief for 12 years, and Ontario Regional Chief for 3 years. Stan has had the opportunity to represent First Nation interests at the United Nations and other international forums. Now retired, Stan continues to work as an Advisor to many First Nation and non First Nation entities. In recognition of his many diverse accomplishments in the area of politics, social justice, education, and business, Stan has received an Honorary PhD in Philosophy from the University of South Florida at an international conference on ancient cultures and traditions in Hardiwar, India in 1912. Stan has also received an Honorary PhD in Education from Nipissing University in North Bay, ON in 2011.

Stan Beardy
Consultant – Far North
Contact Info
[email protected]
Phone number:
+1 (807) 738-5824